Client Portal Terms of Use

POTTER CLARKSON LLP is a full-service IP firm with its registered office at Chapel Quarter, Mount Street, Nottingham, NG1 6HQ, registered company number OC315197. References to POTTER CLARKSON LLP in these terms shall include POTTER CLARKSON AB (SE), and POTTER CLARKSON AS (DK). The information on this portal is intended for use by clients of POTTER CLARKSON LLP only and is not aimed at or intended for use by or for any other person.

  • You agree that you will keep your user ID and password secret and not disclose it to any other person. Additional access may be granted to other members of your staff by submitting an access request.
  • You agree that you are responsible, and accept liability, for any use of this portal by you or anyone else (whether or not authorised by you) using your user ID and/or password.
  • Any unauthorised use of this portal and/or your user ID and/or your password must be notified to POTTER CLARKSON LLP immediately at
  • You agree that you are responsible for notifying POTTER CLARKSON LLP if you wish your user ID and/or password to be changed for any reason, for example, because a member of your staff leaves your organisation.
  • You agree that you will indemnify POTTER CLARKSON LLP against any loss or damage, costs or expense incurred by POTTER CLARKSON LLP arising directly or indirectly out of any breach by you of these terms and conditions.
  • You agree and warrant that if you are an employee, you are authorised by your employer to agree to these terms and conditions on your employer’s behalf and to access and use this portal.
  • By using this portal, you confirm that you accept these terms and conditions of use and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these terms, you must not use the portal.

These Terms and Conditions of Use solely relate to your use of this portal and/or the data held within the portal.

These terms are not intended to replace or alter POTTER CLARKSON LLP’s Terms of Business for any other service provided by POTTER CLARKSON LLP.


This portal is provided "as is" and whilst POTTER CLARKSON LLP has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information on this portal, POTTER CLARKSON LLP:

  • gives no warranty (express or implied) and makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of any content.
  • accepts no liability for any losses or damages (whether direct, indirect, special, consequential, or otherwise and whether such possibility was brought to the attention of POTTER CLARKSON LLP or was foreseeable by POTTER CLARKSON LLP) arising out of errors or omissions in data contained in this portal.
  • gives no warranty that the portal shall be available on an uninterrupted basis.
  • accepts no liability for losses or damages arising out of such unavailability.
  • accepts no liability for losses or damages arising out of changes made to the IP content outside of this portal by you or third parties.
  • Access to and use of this portal is at your own risk and POTTER CLARKSON LLP does not warrant that the use of this portal or any material downloaded from it will not cause damage to any property, tangible or intangible including but not limited to loss of intellectual property rights, data, or computer virus infection.

Notwithstanding any other provision of these terms and conditions, nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit or restrict POTTER CLARKSON LLP's duties and liabilities to you under any conduct of business rules which we are bound to comply with or for any liability that, by law, cannot be limited or excluded.

You acknowledge that in accepting these terms and conditions you have not relied on any statement of fact or opinion by POTTER CLARKSON LLP that has not been expressly included these terms and conditions.


The aggregate liability of POTTER CLARKSON LLP, in any circumstances whatsoever whether in contract, tort, statute or otherwise and howsoever caused (including but not limited to, negligence) for loss or damage arising from or in connection with the provision of services shall be limited to the lesser of:

  • a sum representing a proportion of loss or damage which would be attributed to us by a court allocating proportionate responsibility (having regard to any contribution to such loss or damage by any other person, whether or not there exists any impediment on your part in securing such contribution including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing impediments as to limitation, lack of means or reliance on exclusion of limitation of liability or otherwise) in proceedings for contribution under the Civil Liability (Contribution) Act 1978;
  • the limit of the cover we hold under our policy of professional indemnity insurance which will not be less than £5 million and
  • any limit of liability for the relevant service set out in any applicable correspondence by the date of the service.


All rights in the portal (including intellectual and industrial property rights) are reserved by the owner. Reproduction in any form of any part of the contents of this portal is prohibited save that you may use and reproduce the information on the portal specific to your IP portfolio in hard copy form for use by and within your organisation.


The contents of this portal do not purport to provide any professional or other advice and nothing on the pages of this portal shall be deemed to constitute the provision of professional or other advice in any way. You acknowledge and agree that your use and reliance on this portal and its contents is not intended and does not replace the need for specific advice from your advisers when dealing with specific situations. As such, POTTER CLARKSON LLP can accept no liability for any action or step taken or not taken because of your use of this portal.


The terms and conditions of use of this portal and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with them are governed by the laws of England and any dispute regarding this portal shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts, save that nothing will prevent either party from seeking injunctive relief or enforcing a judgment of the English courts in any appropriate jurisdiction.


The content of this portal, including these terms and conditions of use, are subject to change by POTTER CLARKSON LLP without notice or cause. This portal may be withdrawn at any time without notice or cause.


POTTER CLARKSON LLP, Chapel Quarter, Mount Street, Nottingham, NG1 6HQ, United Kingdom T: +44 115 955 2211. For specific queries relating to the portal please e-mail