If you have received an email from Trademark Expressive, please proceed with caution

Recently we have received several enquiries from clients regarding an email they’ve received from a company called Trademark Expressive.

The email claims to be “reaching out on behalf of the legal department of Trademark Expressive” regarding a specific trade mark. They claim that someone is interested in the mark but having identified our client is using something very similar without having filed a trade mark application, they offer to make the application for them before the client loses their ability to do so under the UKIPO’s ‘first to file’ policy.

While the email does include multiple references to UK ‘trademark law’ (sic) and UKIPO policy which gives it - at first glance - a credible feel, we felt duty bound to dig a little deeper on our clients’ behalf.

We found that while they do have a website that claims Trademark Expressive is “one of the UK's leading Trade Mark registration law firms” with apparent links to a number of highly regarded consumer publications, it transpires:

  • The name Trademark Expressive Limited does not exist according to Companies House.
  • TRADEMARK EXPRESSIVE is not registered as a trade mark so the use of ® next to the name is a criminal offence.
  • There are no UK registrations with Trademark Expressive Limited as the representative.
  • The associated telephone number has been flagged as one of concern by who-called.co.uk/.

Given the above, we would strongly suggest that if you receive an email from Trademark Expressive, please forward it to your trade mark attorneys before responding to or engaging with Trademark Expressive. They will be able to confirm the legal status of the trade mark or brand referenced in the email.

Or, if you have received an email and do not currently have your own trade mark attorney, please contact us and we will be happy to have an initial chat.