Battery technology

Energy storage is becoming increasingly important. Our phones, our vehicles, the renewable energy grid, and even our homes rely more and more on battery performance.

With so much riding on both storage and safety, the limitations of lithium-ion batteries are very much in the spotlight. This puts us on the cusp of what will almost certainly be a volatile and innovative period in battery technology.

At the same time, super-fast charging, distributed energy storage networks, and over-the-air wireless charging options are advancing rapidly and a range of new alternatives to lithium are also poised to have a significant impact on the future of the humble battery.

Our patent attorneys have a wealth of experience when it comes to protecting and maximising the commercial performance of a wide variety of battery-based technologies.

Advanced materials

New materials are addressing some of the main technical, economic and sustainability challenges facing the world today, creating huge commercial opportunities.

In an environment where the potential rewards are so high and the pace of innovation so fast, our team provides the deep technical expertise you need to stay ahead of the competition. With backgrounds in biomaterials, composites, conductive materials, graphene, 2D materials, metallurgy, polymers and semiconductors, we also bring a wide range of experience working in industry and a keen understanding of the commercial drivers impacting on your innovation.

Carbon capture

While fossil fuels still provide most of the world’s electricity, traditional power generation is still the largest carbon emitter.

The world’s governments have pledged to drastically reduce local carbon emissions but, to do so, carbon capture, utilisation and storage technologies will need to be used extensively.

Our patent attorneys have worked on a range of projects involving capture, sequestration, utilisation, mobile carbon capture, direct air capture, oxy-combustion and bio energy carbon capture and storage technologies.

Wind and wave energy

Wind and wave energy will play a crucial part in decarbonising our world, slowing climate change and helping the UK government achieve its aim of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

However, the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy will require significant innovation. The increased competition this will cause means those companies leading the charge must ensure their inventions, ideas and products are fully protected against unwanted and unauthorised attention from their competitors.

Our patent attorneys will provide this protection, ensuring your IP rights continue to deliver your current objectives and support your long-term strategy.

Fashion and apparel

The manufacture of clothing and - increasingly - wearable tech is the ultimate combination of design, branding and technology. If you are going to maximise the value of the clothing you produce and safeguard your financial, creative and technical investments, you will need to protect and enforce every aspect of your design, branding and technology.